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  2. How to use ProfitMetrics

How to manually input ad spend from other sources

Follow the steps below to manually input ad spend from other sources in the expense calendar

  1. Part 1: How to create an Ad Expense ProfitMetrics doesn't have a Connection for
  2. Part 2: How to update a single expense

Part 1: How to create an Ad Expense ProfitMetrics doesn't have a Connection for

  1. Navigate to https://my.profitmetrics.io/customer/dashboard.php

  2. Click "Expenses"

  3. Click "Expense Calendar"

  4. Select the "AdSpend" option

  5. Click the "Enter in expense name" field

  6. Type the name you want to use to identify this Ad Spend

  7. Click the "Enter in expense cost e.g. 100" field

  8. Type the cost for this Ad Spend

  9. Click the "Enter in expense start and end date" field

  10. Select the Start date for this expense

  11. Click the "Enter in expense end date" field

  12. Select the last day for this Ad Spend

  13. Click "Add Expense"

  14. Click "OK"
  15. Click "Dashboard"
  16. Click the Date Range and choose any date within your Ad Spend range

  17. Click "Apply"

  18. See the prorated "Manual" ad spend you just added!