How to install Conversion Booster code in Shoporama

Follow the steps below to install Conversion Booster for Google Ads script in Shoporama

  1. Copy the snippet from ProfitMetrics > Integrations > Connections > ConversionBooster for Google Ads
  2. Click "Indstillinger"
    Adding HTML Fields in Shoporama Webshop Admin - Step 2-1

  3. Click "Tema-editor"
    Edit Theme in Shoporama Admin Panel - Step 3

  4. Click "/thanks.html"
    Edit Theme in Shoporama Admin Panel - Step 4

  5. Scroll to the bottom and paste the code before the final <{/script}> tag
    Edit Theme in Shoporama Admin Panel - Step 5
  6. Click "GEM"
    Edit Theme in Shoporama Admin Panel - Step 7

That's it.