How to enable Headless Mode in Shopify

Follow the steps below to enable headless mode for Shopify

The headless implementation for Shopify is very easy and consists of 3 parts. Please follow them carefully.

Part 1: Contact to enable headless mode

Part 2: Install the Server-side Hybrid Universal Integration tracking script on your website in one of three ways.
    1. Install the Serverside Hybrid Universal Integration for Custom Checkouts (Recommended for custom checkout)
    2. Install the Serverside Hybrid Universal Integration script
    3. Install the Serverside Hybrid Universal Integration script in Google Tag Manager

Part 3: Install the tracking script in Shopify

Part 1: Contact to enable headless mode

Please contact and send the following email:

Hi ProfitMetrics,

Please enable headless mode for our Shopify store [URL].

We will send you a confirmation as soon as it is enabled.

Part 2 a: Install the Serverside Hybrid Universal Integration for Custom Checkouts and Shopify Consent API (Recommended for custom checkouts)

<!-- Start - ProfitMetrics - Script -->
// Configuration
const pId = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_ID'; // Your Public ID
const pmEmailInputSelector = '.class-name'; // Comma-separated CSS Selector
const pmEmail = CUSTOMER_EMAIL; // Customer Email variable

let cc_marketing = true;
let cc_statistics = true;

function pmLoadScript() {
    window.profitMetrics = {
        pid: pId,
        cookieStatisticsConsent: cc_statistics,
        cookieMarketingConsent: cc_marketing,
        emailInputSelector: pmEmailInputSelector,
        onLoad: () => {
            if (pmEmail && pmEmail.includes('@') && pmEmail.includes('.') && !/\s/.test(pmEmail)) {
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = `${pId}/bundle.js`;
    script.defer = true;
    script.onerror = () => console.error('Failed to load ProfitMetrics script.');

function getCookieValue(name) {
    const nameEQ = name + "=";
    const ca = document.cookie.split(';');
    for (let i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
        let c = ca[i].trim();
        if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) === 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length);
    return null;

try {
    const encodedCookieValue = getCookieValue('_cmp_a');
    if (encodedCookieValue) {
        const cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(encodedCookieValue);
        const cookieDecoded = JSON.parse(cookieValue);
        cc_statistics = cookieDecoded?.purposes?.a ?? false;
        cc_marketing = cookieDecoded?.purposes?.m ?? false;
} catch (e) {
    console.error('Error parsing cookie:', e);

<!-- End - ProfitMetrics - Script -->


Part 3: Install the tracking script in Shopify

IMPORTANT: You will need to add a script to your website as well as inside Shopify. If you are using Google Tag Manager, please ensure Google Tag Manager is loading correctly on the order confirmation page.

  1. Click Settings
    Set Up Custom Pixel for ProfitMetrics in Shopify - Step 2
  2. Click "Custom event"
    Set Up Custom Pixel for ProfitMetrics in Shopify - Step 3
  3. Click "Add custom pixel"
    Set Up Custom Pixel for ProfitMetrics in Shopify - Step 4
  4. Set consent to now required and data not qualify as data sale
  5. Type "PM - Headless mode" in Pixel name and click Add pixel
    Set Up Custom Pixel for ProfitMetrics in Shopify - Step 7
  6. Copy and paste the following script. Remember to replace PUBLIC_ID with your actual Public ID found in ProfitMetrics > Website
    // Configuration
    const PublicID = 'PUBLIC ID'; // Your Public ID
    const pmCookieDomain = null; // Your TLD (Top-level domain) ''
    let pmEmail =;
    let customerPrivacyStatus = init.customerPrivacy;

    // Default consent values
    let cc_statistics = true;
    let cc_marketing = true;

    // Function to load the ProfitMetrics script
    async function pmLoadScript() {
        window.profitMetrics = {
            pid: PublicID,
            cookieStatisticsConsent: cc_statistics,
            cookieMarketingConsent: cc_marketing,
            onLoad: async function() {
                if (pmEmail && pmEmail.includes('@') && pmEmail.includes('.') && !/\s/.test(pmEmail)) {
        if (pmCookieDomain){
         window.profitMetrics.cookieDomain = pmCookieDomain.startsWith('.') ? pmCookieDomain : '.' + pmCookieDomain;

        const script = document.createElement('script');
        script.src = `${PublicID}/bundle.js`;
        script.defer = true;
        script.onerror = () => console.error('Failed to load ProfitMetrics script.');

    // Subscriptions to analytics events
    analytics.subscribe("page_viewed", async (event) => {
        cc_statistics = customerPrivacyStatus.analyticsProcessingAllowed;
        cc_marketing = customerPrivacyStatus.marketingAllowed;
        await pmLoadScript();

    analytics.subscribe("checkout_completed", async (event) => {
        cc_statistics = customerPrivacyStatus.analyticsProcessingAllowed;
        cc_marketing = customerPrivacyStatus.marketingAllowed;
        pmEmail =;
        await pmLoadScript();

    analytics.subscribe("payment_info_submitted", async (event) => {
        cc_statistics = customerPrivacyStatus.analyticsProcessingAllowed;
        cc_marketing = customerPrivacyStatus.marketingAllowed;
        pmEmail =;
        await pmLoadScript();

    analytics.subscribe("checkout_shipping_info_submitted", async (event) => {
        cc_statistics = customerPrivacyStatus.analyticsProcessingAllowed;
        cc_marketing = customerPrivacyStatus.marketingAllowed;
        pmEmail =;
        await pmLoadScript();

    analytics.subscribe("checkout_address_info_submitted", async (event) => {
        cc_statistics = customerPrivacyStatus.analyticsProcessingAllowed;
        cc_marketing = customerPrivacyStatus.marketingAllowed;
        pmEmail =;
        await pmLoadScript();

    analytics.subscribe("checkout_contact_info_submitted", async (event) => {
        cc_statistics = customerPrivacyStatus.analyticsProcessingAllowed;
        cc_marketing = customerPrivacyStatus.marketingAllowed;
        pmEmail =;
        await pmLoadScript();

    // Handling visitor consent changes
    api.customerPrivacy.subscribe('visitorConsentCollected', async (event) => {
        if ((cc_statistics === false && cc_statistics !== event.customerPrivacy.analyticsProcessingAllowed) ||
            (cc_marketing === false && cc_marketing !== event.customerPrivacy.marketingAllowed)) {
            cc_statistics = event.customerPrivacy.analyticsProcessingAllowed;
            cc_marketing = event.customerPrivacy.marketingAllowed;
            await pmLoadScript();
    Shopify Workflow - Step 2
  7. Click Save
    Set Up Custom Pixel for ProfitMetrics in Shopify - Step 17
  8. Click Add Custom pixel, and connect again
    Set Up Custom Pixel for ProfitMetrics in Shopify - Step 4
    Set Up Custom Pixel for ProfitMetrics in Shopify - Step 19

Special code for loading Cookiebot inside Custom pixel


// Define the Cookiebot ID at the top for easy configuration
const cookiebotID = "YOUR_COOKIEBOT_ID";  // Replace with your actual Cookiebot ID

// Inject the Cookiebot script and handle consent updates

// Function to inject the Cookiebot script
function injectCookiebotScript() {
    var script = document.createElement("script"); = "Cookiebot";
    script.src = ``;
    script.setAttribute("data-cbid", cookiebotID);  // Use the cookiebotID variable
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    script.defer = true;


    // Listen for Cookiebot consent updates
    document.addEventListener("CookiebotOnConsentReady", async function () {
        if (window.Cookiebot && Cookiebot.consent) {
            const C = Cookiebot.consent;
            await loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(C);

// Part 2 - Load ProfitMetrics with Cookiebot Consent

// Configuration
const PublicID = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_ID'; // Your Public ID
const pmCookieDomain = null; // Your TLD ''
let pmEmail = null;

// Function to load the ProfitMetrics script with Cookiebot consent
async function loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(cookiebotConsent) {
    const cc_statistics = cookiebotConsent.statistics || false;
    const cc_marketing = || false;

    window.profitMetrics = {
        pid: PublicID,
        cookieStatisticsConsent: cc_statistics,
        cookieMarketingConsent: cc_marketing,
        onLoad: async function() {
            if (pmEmail && pmEmail.includes('@') && pmEmail.includes('.') && !/\s/.test(pmEmail)) {
    if (pmCookieDomain) {
        window.profitMetrics.cookieDomain = pmCookieDomain.startsWith('.') ? pmCookieDomain : '.' + pmCookieDomain;

    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = `${PublicID}/bundle.js`;
    script.defer = true;
    script.onerror = () => {}; // No error log

// Subscriptions to analytics events
analytics.subscribe("page_viewed", async (event) => {
    pmEmail =;
    await loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(Cookiebot.consent);

analytics.subscribe("checkout_completed", async (event) => {
    pmEmail =;
    await loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(Cookiebot.consent);

analytics.subscribe("payment_info_submitted", async (event) => {
    pmEmail =;
    await loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(Cookiebot.consent);

analytics.subscribe("checkout_shipping_info_submitted", async (event) => {
    pmEmail =;
    await loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(Cookiebot.consent);

analytics.subscribe("checkout_address_info_submitted", async (event) => {
    pmEmail =;
    await loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(Cookiebot.consent);

analytics.subscribe("checkout_contact_info_submitted", async (event) => {
    pmEmail =;
    await loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(Cookiebot.consent);

// Handling visitor consent changes
api.customerPrivacy.subscribe('visitorConsentCollected', async (event) => {
    await loadProfitMetricsWithCookiebotConsent(Cookiebot.consent);