How to create an integration with MyCashFlow

Follow the steps below to create an integration with MyCashFlow

IMPORTANT: MyCasFlow requires you to be on the "Advanced" plan for MyCashflow API to be available.

  1. Copy this text and prepare an email to
    Hi ProfitMetrics,

    Please create an integration for MyCashFlow using the following details.

    Public ID:
    Version: 1
    API key:
  2. Enter your ProfitMetrics Public ID (How to find your Public ID)
  3. Enter your MyCashFlow URL. Example:
  4. Click "Account"
    Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Slack Workflow - Step 1

  5. Click "Users"
    Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Slack Workflow - Step 2

  6. Under "API accounts" click "Create account"
    Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Slack Workflow - Step 3
  7. Under "Integration name", type "ProfitMetircs"
    Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Slack Workflow - Step 4
  8. Under "Integration name", type any email. Example: ""
    Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Slack Workflow - Step 9
  9. Click "Save"
    Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Slack Workflow - Step 10

  10. Copy the API Key
    Google Chrome, Brave Browser, and Slack Workflow - Step 12
  11. Paste the API key in the email template.
  12.  The final email should look something like this
    Hi ProfitMetrics,

    Please create an integration for MyCashFlow using the following details.

    Public ID: 1A2B3C4D5E6F7G8H
    Version: 1
    API key: e0bcb12e1b80e29609e16123259000bb8feaefed
  13. Send the email. Please allow up to 10 working days for the integration to be completed.