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  2. Shopping Booster for Google Ads

How to add a Shopping Booster Supplemental Feed to classic Google Merchant Center

Follow the steps here to name and configure your feed, including setting up your fetch settings, HTTP authentication, and language

Note: If necessary, see this guide on How to Switch from the Google Merchant Center Next to the classic Merchant Centre or this guide on How to add a Supplemental Feed to Google Merchant Center Next

Important: Make sure to set up the Shopping Booster before following these steps. 

  1. Log in to https://merchants.google.com/
  2. Click "Products" to expand the menu
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 1
  3. Click "Feeds"
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 2
  4. Click "Add supplemental feed"
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 3
  5. Name your Supplemental feed "Shopping Booster"
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 4
  6. Choose "Scheduled fetch"
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 5
  7. Click Continue
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 6
  8. Name the file according to your Shopping Booster template or just name it "Shopping Booster".
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 7
  9. Insert the file URL from the Shopping Booster in ProfitMetrics and click "Continue"
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 8
  10. Scroll down to HTTP authentication and add your Username and Password. You can find these credentials in ProfitMetrics under Shopping Booster settings.
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 9

  11. Choose all or only the specific languages where this feed should apply.
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 10
  12. Click "Create feed" - You will now see your supplemental feed in the overview.
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 11
  13. Navigate to your new supplemental feed and click "Fetch Now".
    How to Create a Supplemental Feed for PM Shopping Booster - Step 12
  14. Your supplemental feed will be processed and added to your products.
    The new updated Custom Columns will not be visible within Google Ads before the next sync which can take up to 24 hours after you fetched the feed.