How To Configure Payment Costs

Follow this guide to configure payment costs for your shop in ProfitMetrics.

Set up Fallback Payment cost

This fallback Payment cost will be used when none of the rules configured in Payment Rules are triggered. This should typically be set to an average or to the most common Payment rate if most payments cost the same amount.

  1. Navigate to 
  2. Click "Expenses"Set up Fallback Payment cost - Step 2
  3. Click "Fallback Costs"
    Set up Fallback Payment cost - Step 3
  4. Click the "Payment Costs" fieldSet up Fallback Payment cost - Step 4

  5. Add your average payment cost OR if you have a specific payment rate that you pay for most payments, you could add the most common Payment rate here. 

  6. Click "Save"Set up Fallback Payment cost - Step 6

Set up Payment Rules

This fallback Payment cost will be used when none of the rules configured in Payments Rules are triggered. This should typically be set to an average, or to the most common payment rate if most payments cost the same amount.

  1. Navigate to 
  2. Click "Expenses"
  3. Click "Payment Costs"
    How to set up Payment costs - Step 2
  4. Click "Download Payment methods."How to set up Payment costs - Step 3
  5. Open the CSV file that the button downloads to view a list of all current payment methods received from your orders. 
  6. Click the first 'Name' text field to start creating Payment rates.
    This means that you want to make this list go from most specific down to least specific (for example, quickpay, shopify_payment, Klarna). How to set up Payment costs - Step 5
  7. Click "Add row" to add as many rows as necessary based on the number of payment methods you use. How to set up Payment costs - Step 6
  8. Add the "Variable cost price %" or "Fixed cost price." You can also use both fields if you must pay a % and fixed cost. How to set up Payment costs - Step 7
  9. Click "Save changes" when all details are entered.How to set up Payment costs - Step 8-1.