How to set up Custom columns in Google Ads

Follow the steps below to set up the recommended Custom columns in Google Ads.

Google Ads allows you to monitor the performance of campaigns with data from secondary conversion actions. 

During the first stages of data collection after implementing ProfitMetrics, this is an excellent method to learn your setup from a gross profit and POAS point of view.

How to get started

  1. Log in to and make sure you are in the correct account.
  2. Go to Campaigns > Columns > Modify columnsCustom Column
  3. Click  "+ Custom Column"
  4. Create the following custom columns 

PM Conversions

Data Format: Number

Formula (Text):

All_conversions.conversion_action("PM Gross Profit - Browser", "PM Gross Profit - Conversion Booster")

PM Revenue

Data Format: Money

Formula (Text):

All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Revenue - Browser", "PM Revenue - Conversion Booster")


Data Format: Number

Formula (Text):

All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Revenue - Browser", "PM Revenue - Conversion Booster") / Cost

PM Gross Profit

Data Format: Money

Formula (Text):

All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Gross Profit - Browser", "PM Gross Profit - Conversion Booster")

PM Gross Profit After Ad Spend

Data Format: Money

Formula (Text):

All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Gross Profit - Browser", "PM Gross Profit - Conversion Booster") - Cost


Data Format: Number

Formula (Text): 

All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Gross Profit - Browser", "PM Gross Profit - Conversion Booster") / Cost

PM Gross Profit Margin

Data Format: Percentage (%)

Formula (Text):

All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Gross Profit - Browser", "PM Gross Profit - Conversion Booster") / All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Revenue - Browser", "PM Revenue - Conversion Booster")

Recommended order:

PM Conversions

PM Revenue


PM Gross Profit

PM Gross Profit After Ad Spend


PM Gross Profit Margin

Save your column set: ProfitMetrics


PM Ad Spend Per Order

Data Format: Money

Formula (Text):

Cost / All_conversions.conversion_action("PM Gross Profit - Browser", "PM Gross Profit - Conversion Booster")

PM Gross Profit Margin After Ad Spend

Data Format: Percentage (%)

Formula (Text):

All_conversion_value.conversion_action(("PM Gross Profit - Browser", "PM Gross Profit - Conversion Booster") - cost) / All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Revenue - Browser", "PM Revenue - Conversion Booster")

Breakeven ROAS

Data Format: Number

Formula (Text): 

All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Revenue - Browser", "PM Revenue - Conversion Booster") / All_conversion_value.conversion_action("PM Gross Profit - Browser", "PM Gross Profit - Conversion Booster")