How to setup Conversion Booster for Google ads in Google Tag Manager

Follow the steps below setup Conversion Booster for Google ads in Google Tag Manager

1. Click "Copy snippet" to copy the script to the clipboard 

<!-- Start ProfitMetrics - Conversion Booster for Google Ads --> 

function() { 

var trackedValue = [[ INSERT_ORDER_TOTAL_VARIABLE ]]; // edit this line 

if (!isNaN(Number(trackedValue))) { 

return Number(trackedValue) * 0.2; 

return null; 

<!-- End ProfitMetrics - Conversion Booster for Google Ads --> 


2. Create a new variable 

Click "Variables" from the main menu (1). 

Then click "New" (2). 

3: Select the "Custom JavaScript" type, Click "Custom Javascript". 

4: Insert the script 

Enter a name for the variable (1). Then paste the script you copied in step one into the text field. Replace the [[ INSERT_TOTAL_VARIABLE ]] text with a GTM variable that holds the order total value. It could look like this: (2). Once you start writing {{ Google Tag Manager will start suggesting variable names. When you have inserted your variable, click "save" (3). 

5: Create a new tag, go to "Tags" from the main menu (1), then click "New" (2).

6: Select "Google Ads Conversion Tracking" Click on the "Google Ads Conversion Tracking" option. 

7: Configure the new profit tracking tag 

  1. Prepare information in Google Ads 
    1. Open Google Ads in a new tab, go to Conversion actions
    2. Open PM - Gross Profit
    3. View Tag Setup
    4. Use Google Tag Manager   
    5. Use the information here for the next two steps

  1. Enter a name for the Tag
  2. Enter the Conversion ID from the Tag Manager
  3. Enter the Conversion Label from the Tag Manager
  4. Enter the name of the variable you created earlier in the Conversion Value field. You can click the "+" button to browse through your variables. 
  5. Enter a variable for the Transaction ID. 
  6. Enter a variable for the Currency Code.

8: Configure tag trigger 

Select a trigger that will make the tag fire on your order confirmation page (also called the "Thank you" page) (1). Then click "Save" (2). 

9: Create a new tag 

Go to "Tags" from the main menu (1). Then click "New" (2). 

10: Select "Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Click on the "Google Ads Conversion Tracking" option.

11: Configure the new revenue tracking tag 

  1. Prepare information in Google Ads
    1. Open Google Ads in a new tab, go to Conversion actions
    2. Open PM Revenue - Browser
    3. View Tag Setup
    4. Use Google Tag Manager   
    5. Use the information here for the next two steps
  1. Enter the Conversion ID from the Tag Manager
  2. Enter the Conversion Label from the Tag Manager
  3. Enter your regular "Order total" variable (not the one you just created). You can click the "+" button to browse through your variables. 
  4. Enter a variable for the Transaction ID. 
  5. Enter a variable for the Currency Code. 

12: Configure tag trigger 

Select a trigger that will make the tag fire on your order confirmation page (also called the "Thank you" page) (1). Then click "Save" (2).

13: Publish the changes 

Click "Publish" in the upper right corner of the screen to save the changes